Retreats/Away Days

1:1 coaching and workshops work really well but sometimes what is most needed to create change is a change of scene and an immersion into a different space to realign and rethink our perspectives on work and life.

Away Days

In our away days, teams and groups of staff can connect at a different level, learn more about each other and how to best work well together. Time and time again it has been shown that people within organisations value being part of a supportive community, and an away day can create a sense of united purpose, connection and well-being which in turn can hugely benefit the productiveness and efficacy of the organisation.

We offer a range of workshops and connection time on these days. Doing activities from lego workshops, Leadership workshops, drumming, Communication skills, green woodworking, group coaching, yoga, soundbaths, meditation and nature walks. Each activity is designed to support staff to challenge themselves and connect with their team in different ways.

Organisations benefit from staff being more motivated, more connected to the purpose of the work they do and more engaged with other team members.

“Human society is founded on explicit and implicit agreements about how we can live in relationship with one another” De Haan and Sills

Contact us to find out more


We also offer immersion retreats for leaders looking to gain a sense of space, new insights, fresh thinking and reconnection to passion purpose and values.

These one-off retreats are bespoke and can take place at a venue of your choice or at our own retreat space here in West Dorset. Retreats are usually two or three days long and hosted by Emily and Simon with visiting coaches and mentors as needed.

Contact us to find out more

I appreciated the [away] day and feel it shows commitment to staff wellbeing.  For me the most valuable thing was interacting socially/out of work with other colleagues [as my work] can be a bit solitary.  It was busy but fun.  I found the juggling v interesting, it really highlighted some of my standard responses to challenges which I have reflected on over the week as I struggled with a few challenges at work and could see the same style of response, I was then able to question whether I needed to react that way (ie I cant do it, I should give up now!) and could change the message. So while I didn’t really learn to juggle I did learn something more valuable! Great to go out of comfort zone in non threatening way.

Katherine Boddy

Being absorbed in really mindful tasks was wonderful. Not having to compete (too much) I really hate it and it always spoils everything for me. Also, Emily we love you :-)

Mylene Chaudagne