Supervision for Coaches

Supervision for coaches is a space in which the Supervisor and Coach can meet as equals to discuss any Client or coaching related issues arising for the Coach. It is a space where the

Supervisor can help the Coach explore, understand and get creative about Clients as well as challenging them and offering suggestions or advice on how to proceed. Supervision is highly recommend for any Coach wanting to provide a powerful, transformational and consistent service for their Clients.

Sessions are usually an hour long and either via Skype or in person subject to the location.

Cost: POA

I am very fortunate to have Emily as my supervisor. She provides a great space for me to reflect and explore my practice with equal measure of support and challenge. I leave each session with greater clarity and  feeling better equipped to serve my own clients.

Fiona English, Life Coach

I have been working with Emily for 6 months now and she has really transformed my view of myself as a coach, enabling me to explore the issues I come across with my clients on a deeper level so I can make real shifts in my coaching. She approaches supervision with patience and humour, allowing me the space to express my thoughts and feelings, but challenging me where I need it. I have seen a real difference in the way I coach and also in how I feel about myself as a person.

Hattie Voelcker, Life Coach at