Is Coaching For Me?

Do you find yourself trying to please everyone else? Are you hard on yourself? Do you feel like an imposter? Are you finding it difficult to speak up? Feel like you’re treading water, feeling stuck, or not living the life you envisioned? Are you overwhelmed and heading for burnout?

If you want change to happen it begins with you, but it can often be hard to know where to start and what to shift, and sometimes we can’t always talk to those close to us about it. Either we don’t want to burden them or expose parts of ourselves, or we feel they see us in a certain way and may hold us back from making change.

Change takes four things –

Awareness of what is currently happening, the old patterns, the challenges, the stories we are telling ourselves, and the beliefs that are holding us back.

Clarity to see a way forward and dare to imagine the potential you hold within you

Courage to make the shifts to step into your true power and

Confidence to take those steps towards that change.

Here’s who I work with…

Women in their energetic prime 28-58 who are facing a world full of change, and uncertainty. Overwhelm, uncertainty, burnout, trying to make everyone else happy, feeling the expectation to be superwoman and yet also prove your worth.  These are all difficult challenges to deal with and on your own they can feel exhausting and heavy and leave you feeling stuck in the same place as you try and make sense of it all.

I am here to help you unpick this, to find a way through, to understand yourself better and work out YOUR way of doing YOU.

I also work with women at the beginning of their journey in their teens when everything seems to be changing. Life can be confusing and things that used to be simple now seem complicated. This can be a difficult time to navigate and I help teens find the smoothest road through.

This is how I can help you

As a highly qualified and accredited coach with 3000+ hours of 1-1 coaching experience and a host of modalities, tools and techniques I am here to support you on this journey.

I hold a non-judgemental space, asking questions to explore, uncover and bring awareness to your current ways of thinking and being. I am here to be curious about your world, your dreams and goals and to challenge and catalyse new thinking and behaviour. To support you on the journey to being a more courageous, more confident, empowered person. To help you break free of old patterns and step forward towards the version of yourself you aspire to be.

How do I work?

Over the past 13 years I have worked with a huge variety of people and the best results come to those who really want change.

I love working with Women aged 28-58 who are looking for a way to step into their true self and out of the externally and self-imposed limits that they have experienced so far.

I will work with you on a 1:1 basis, either in person or online. I am also available on email for urgent support between sessions.

We begin with a complimentary Pilot session to explore what you want change in your life and what package will work for you. It is also a great opportunity for you to ask me questions about coaching or how I work and to decide if I am the right coach for you.

…and for  young women aged 13-19

I am also passionate about working with teenagers as they process the hormonal, mental and physical changes they go through. This is a time of huge change and if we can navigate these changes as teens then this can set us up well for navigating our future lives.

For the last 11 years, as well as working with Women in their prime I also worked extensively (1500+ hrs) with teenage girls helping them to navigate changes, friendships, mental health, physical health and developing them to lead themselves and others.

Drawing on a variety of techniques and tools such as mindfulness, CBT, TA and the neuroscience of teens, I have developed a range of ways of working to support, challenge, and develop teenage girls to be empowered in their own lives.

I hold a DBS and have had extensive Safeguarding training and my sessions with teens are confidential with the exception of general feedback to parents/staff and obviously with the exception of safeguarding issues should they arise.

Follow the questionnaire below to determine if coaching is right for you (10 you agree with the statement, 1 you don’t):

1. I am feeling stuck

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. I am feeling frustrated

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. I want to make changes in my life but I need help

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. I feel that I am capable of so much more

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. I do not feel fulfilled

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. I am not living my life in a way that is true to my beliefs and values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. I lack confidence in my abilities

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If you scored yourself as a 7 or more to any of the statements above then coaching could help you change your life for the better. If that is the case please move onto the final question – if the answer is ‘Yes’ then working with a Coach could really make a difference to your life.

8. I am excited by the idea of working collaboratively with someone who will give me their full attention and support to create meaningful and sustainable change my life – Yes / No

Emily is a magic coach. She brings structure to sessions, oozes compassion and creates an environment that feels safe to really explore challenges and test ideas. She has really been pivotal in helping to support my growth and I’ve learnt tools and approaches that I apply in many different situations.

I would highly recommend Emily. She is a rare find!

Alice Wyatt, VP Marketing Codat

Emily has just the right blend of passion and enthusiasm for are art and gentle encouragement that make her workshops both enjoyable and a highly effective learning environment. I love working with Emily, inspiring, relaxing, engaging and always great fun

Elizabeth Cairns, Director Amovita Ltd

Working with Emily created the space for me to get in connection with my emotions so that I was able to clear the negative energy that I wasn’t facing, so that I could move forward from a positive, joyful space

I loved her provocativeness, and challenge, it felt like we were going into the arena together, not just circling the drain

Before the sessions I was a little confused and uncertain around my challenge, and after I felt empowered and positive, able to move forward and take action

Robert Stephenson, Creative Director Fan the Flames Coaching

‘I had six sessions with Emily, during a period in my life when I was making several exciting but challenging changes.

My life all felt a bit chaotic and difficult. There were lots of unknowns and needing to structure and build more for myself.

I feel I discovered Emily at just the right time. I found her hugely helpful, calm, reassuring and positive.

She was able to empathise (and keep up!) with my wide-ranging and constantly accumulating options, including those in more ‘alternative’ areas, that not every one understands or values.

I always felt good and encouraged after a session, and in just a short time, these coaching sessions helped me to move forward and also finally get going on one important task that I’d put off for years!’


I worked with Emily over a period of two months just as I was getting my new business off the ground. She was tremendous in guiding me in very practical ways, by helping me lay out tasks and set goals. But more importantly, Emily helped me identify and work with the deeper issues that were holding me back in really putting myself and my work out into the world. It has been many months since I’ve worked with Emily, but this work has been sustainable – I can identify when these issues arise and work with them in the same way Emily and I worked with them together. I recommend Emily as a coach without reservation – it is her ability to work on both practical matters and on the underlying issues that keep us from expressing ourselves fully in the world.

Emily Boddy, Yoga Teacher